Wednesday, July 2, 2008

" Happy 19th Anniversary "

Well, June 30th came and went (my anniversary) with Kyle getting up at 6am and leaving to work, me receiving a phone call at 10pm and midnight rolling around with Kyle walking through the door and no "happy anniversary". A little pissed to say the least, threw a temper tantrum, realized acting like a child and feeling STUPID! July 1st wake up Kyle says be ready to go out at 4pm - a little confused, but Okay! 4pm rolls around all ready, 5pm rolls around Kyle all ready. He took me out to dinner at the RAM, GREAT food! Then we get into the truck and he tells me to close my eyes. Okay I do so. He asks me if I know where I am, I said, "NO should I?" " Nope, just want to make sure you don't know where you are because it's a surprise!" I started to get car sick from all his winding turns and told him I NEEDED to open my eyes. " No!" So I covered my eyes but had them open. The car finally stopped and Kyle got me out and walked with me a short distance and then told me to open my eyes. "Do you know where you are?" "No." " The Anniversary Inn!" I was shocked that he had pulled off a surprise getaway! We had the "Fire & Ice" room. (I thought that was kind of appropriate) It was SOOOOOOO nice!!! Apologies ALL night for the temper tantrum I threw!! I was so happy that he had surprised me, he's never done that for our anniversary. What a fantastic night!! I really do love him!!! Thank you honey for a much needed night of romance and surprise!!! (Sorry no pics, didn't have a clue about the evening.)

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