Friday, May 16, 2008


Okay, so now I know how to do this, these are pics from our trip to Mexico back in January. So, there's one of the "branch" that we went to church with. Elder Leavitt (from Wash.) and Elder De la Pena (from East Mex.) did the services each week. Kyle went kayaking in the ocean at Los Ayala (where we were at) and he also did some body surfing in Sayilita. I took a picture from the top of the garage where we were staying.(It's the one of the roof and palm trees with the ocean) I celebrated my b-day while we were there. We went to a pizzeria in La Penita, the guy that owned it was from New York and had a successful Restaurant in NY and then moved to La Penita and opened another down there. He sold it and opened the smaller one that we were at. They have a drink down there called a "Lemonada" IT IS SOOOOOOO GOOD! It's like squirt with lots of FRESH lime juice and jarabe (pure sugar cane, pronounced ha-rah-bay). Your first sip is so tart AND super sweet at the same time! WOW! pucker power but so addicting! I ordered the special that night (spaghetti and HUGE meatballs) YUM! There was a big group of us and after dinner we went over to the jukebox and picked some fun songs to dance to. I had a BLAST!

1 comment:

Robyn Baird said...

I think it's great you and Kyle were able to finally go on an adults vacation. :)